About JMC
Mission: JMC provides precise and predictive conventional munitions sustainment and life cycle management to an expeditionary global force from 17 arsenals, depots and ammo plants across the spectrum of conflict in support of the Joint Force throughout the entire fiscal year 2024.
JMC provides the conventional ammunition life-cycle functions of logistics sustainment, readiness and acquisition support
for all U.S. military services, other government agencies, and allied nations as directed. JMC is the logistics integrator for
life-cycle management of ammunition providing a global presence of technical support to frontline units.
Headquartered at historic Rock Island Arsenal on the Mississippi River, we are located in the Quad-Cities of Illinois
and Iowa, approximately midway between Chicago and Des Moines.
This site provides information about this command, its mission, structure and installations throughout the world. Enjoy
your tour of the Joint Munitions Command. If you cannot find the information you need, please email the JMC Public Affairs office at
usarmy.RIA.jmc.mbx.amsjm-pa@army.mil or call 309-782-1514, DSN: 793-1514.
What is the Joint Munitions Command (JMC)?
JMC is the latest in a series of commands since World War II that have managed the nation's ammunition plants. Since 1973,
those commands have been headquartered on Rock Island Arsenal.
Colonel Ronnie D. Anderson currently serves as the Commander for the JMC. The
headquarters on Rock Island Arsenal is responsible for munitions production
(ammunition plants) and storage (depots) facilities in numerous states.
Headquartered at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, JMC manages a complex munitions enterprise comprised
of installations and depots where conventional munitions are produced, stored, distributed and
JMC Production Facility Locations:
- • Crane Army Ammunition Activity, Crane, Indiana
- • Holston Army Ammunition Plant, Kingsport, Tennessee
- • Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, Middletown, Iowa
- • Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, Missouri
- • McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, McAlester, Oklahoma
- • Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
- • Quad City Cartridge Case Facility, Rock Island, Illinois
- • Radford Army Ammunition Plant, Radford, Virginia
- • Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, Scranton, Pennsylvania
JMC storage and distribution facilities ensure the availability of a ready and reliable munitions
stockpile through optimizing the receipt, storage and issue of training and combat munitions.
Every bullet, bomb and grenade warfighters use in training and combat is managed by JMC.
JMC Storage and Distribution Facility Locations:
- • Anniston Munitions Center, Anniston, Alabama
- • Blue Grass Army Depot, Richmond, Kentucky
- • Crane Army Ammunition Activity, Crane, Indiana
- • Hawthorne Army Depot, Hawthorne, Nevada
- • Letterkenny Munitions Center, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
- • McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, McAlester, Oklahoma
- • Tooele Army Depot, Tooele, Utah
JMC demilitarization facilities safely and securely disable, decontaminate and destroy excess,
outdated and inoperable ammunition.
JMC Demilitarization Facility Locations:
- • Anniston Munitions Center, Anniston, Alabama
- • Blue Grass Army Depot, Richmond, Kentucky
- • Crane Army Ammunition Activity, Crane, Indiana
- • Hawthorne Army Depot, Hawthorne, Nevada
- • Letterkenny Munitions Center, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
- • McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, McAlester, Oklahoma
- • Chemical Materials Activity - Pueblo Chemical Depot, Pueblo, Colorado
- • Chemical Materials Activity - Blue Grass Chemical Activity, Richmond, Kentucky
JMC employs 21 military personnel, more than 5,000 Army civilian personnel and more than 6,000
contractors nationwide throughout the organic industrial base. JMC’s processes provide for the
efficient delivery of ammunition at the right place and time to support global operations. JMC
positions munitions around the world to facilitate rapid transition to armed conflict and support
combatant commander requirements.