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JMC HQ Main Line
COMM 309-782-1514/DSN 793-1514

Ammunition Surveillance Division
Establishes command-wide policies and compliance procedures for surveillance programs.

ARMS Program
Encourages commercial use of the Army’s inactive ammunition plants through many incentives for businesses willing to move to a government ammunition production facility.
Phone number: DSN 793-0221/COMM 309-782-0221

Business Development
Provides support identifying new opportunities to be integrated into the JMC Business Plan for our Organic Industrial Base, monitors existing workload and improves relationships with our customers to support readiness, strengthen our core capabilities and create long term value for all stakeholders.
Phone Number: COMM 309-782-2225/DSN 793-2225

Equal Employment Opportunity

Force Protection

Freedom of Information Act Requests

History Office
Exists to preserve the history of the command and its installations.

Human Resources Management

Information Management
Leads and supports the Command's information resources and information technology needs.

Inspector General
Reports upon matters pertaining to the performance of mission and the state of discipline, efficiency, economy, and morale within JMC.

Investigation Program

Logistics Assistance Program
Logistics Assistance Program employees educate the warfighter on the proper use of ammunition.

Minority College Relations Team
Identifies and develops collaborative programs with minority colleges and institutions to enhance JMC’s future readiness.

Munitions and Logistics Readiness Center
Provides joint conventional munitions support.

Production Quality Management Division
Establishes and maintains a cadre of quality professionals, cognizant of customer needs, dedicated to continuous improvement in the acquisition and production of munitions.

Public Affairs Office
Provides the public with information about JMC and the important work we do to support the nation’s warfighters.
Phone: COMM 309-782-1514/DSN 793-1514

Quality Engineering Division
Establishes command-wide policies and compliance procedures for surveillance and ASRP programs within JMC. Plans and executes the ASRP for fielded Class V munitions, and manages the Malfunction

Resource Management

Security Assistance

Small Business Programs
Provides information on how to work with JMC, with special emphasis on the Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business program.

Strategic Plans and Initiatives
Provides employees with the Commander's strategic focus, intent, and corporate direction of JMC.

6889 times.
Last updated: 06/26/2024 9:20 AM