History of the Ammunition Industrial Base
This history describes the challenges and accomplishments the military has experienced managing the ammunition industrial base.

AFSC & JMC Support to Phase I-III of Operation Iraqi Freedom
A 2005 review of the ammunition and equipment prepositioning supply missions accomplished by AFSC and JMC to support the Warfighter.

JMC Predecessor Commander Listing

Armament and Munitions Command Evolution Bar Graph & Narrative

The Shirts Off Their Backs and the Boots Off Their Feet: Stories of Logisticians in America’s Wars
This history tells stories of America’s Warfighter Logisticians who sacrificed or made significant contribution to the logistics or supply mission across all major American Wars.

The Lone Star Story: Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant Unit History
This story tells the history of the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant and its employees 1940s to 2010.

Badger Army Ammunition Plant Unit History 1940s-2006
This unit history tell the story of Badger Army Ammunition Plant and its workforce from creation to closure.

You are making history everyday at JMC, tell your Command Historian!

552 times.
Last updated: 09/19/2023 5:18 PM