G6 Deputy Chief of Staff for Information Management

Joint Munitions Command
2695 Rodman Avenue
Rock Island, Illinois 61299-6000
DSN 793-0305  /  COMM 309-782-0305
FAX 309-782-0096
email:  usarmy.RIA.jmc.mbx.amsjm-im@army.mil

Mission: Lead and support the Command's information resources and information technology.

Directorate Offices: DSN COMM (AC 309) e-mail
Cyber Security & Enterprise Computing Division AMJM-IMI 793-3486 782-4186 usarmy.RIA.jmc.mbx.amsjm-im
Systems and Sustainment Division AMJM-IMK 793-7718 782-7718 usarmy.RIA.jmc.mbx.amsjm-im
516 times.
Last updated: 08/09/2024 6:34 PM