Army Spouse Employment, Career and Education Information
Supporting the employment and development of spouses ultimately contributes to improving quality of life and workforce readiness.
Your gateway to success begins with contacting a career coach with Military One Source that will assist in matching your interest, skills
and goals to a career path or visit an Employment Readiness Specialist at your local Army Community Service (ACS).
Military Spouse Preference
Military spouses serve a pivotal role in
contributing to the financial and
personal success of military families.
In 2008, President Bush established
Executive Order 13473, the
noncompetitive appointing authority
for certain military spouses that
allowed hiring into permanent, term,
or temporary positions in the Federal
The intent was to assist military
spouses gain employment with the
Federal government as part of an effort
to recruit and retain skilled and
experienced members of the armed
forces, and to recognize and honor the
service of members injured, disabled
or killed while on active duty.
A spouse of a member of the Armed
Forces now remains eligible for
noncompetitive appointment (under
E.O. 13473) for the duration of the
spouse’s relocation to the permanent
duty station of the member.
Previously, military spouses were
only eligible for appointment under the
noncompetitive authority (E.O. 13473)
for the first two years following the
date of their sponsor’s PCS orders.
That is no longer the case and spouses
of a member of the Armed Forces
remain eligible for appointment the
duration of the sponsor’s tour. For
more information, visit your local
civilian personnel office.
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Opportunities
Are you a current NAF Child and Youth Program
Assistant? Child and Youth Services (CYS)
Employee Assignment Tool (CEAT) enables current
NAF employees in Child and Youth Program
Assistant (CYPA) positions to voluntarily request a
noncompetitive transfer to another Army installation
at the same grade/pay level, without a break in service.
Employees must register in CEAT to be considered
eligible for a noncompetitive transfer. For more
information, visit your servicing CPAC office.
Do you live on post and interested in starting your
own child care business? Consider Family Child
Care (FCC) opportunities. FCC was created with the
military spouse in mind. The FCC provides support,
free training, free referrals, free resources and child
care subsidies. FCC continues to be a cost effective
child care delivery system, offering parents quality
programming at a 15% cost savings compared to child
development centers. For more information on FCC
opportunities, contact the Garrison CYS office.
Army Community Service (ACS)
Army Community Service (ACS) offers information
on area employers, job networking groups and has
computers, printers, fax machines, digital senders,
and telephones to aid in the spouses' job search.
Contact your local ACS today.
Military Spouse Licensing Reimbursement Program
Frequent moves can cause obstacles for spouses with
occupational licenses. Many states help licensed
military spouses by allowing for expedited
applications, temporary licenses, or license
reciprocity. In many circumstances, military spouses
who move from one state to another because of
change-of-station orders are eligible for
reimbursement costs up to $500.
For more information, visit U.S. Department of LaborMilitary Spouses: