Voting Assistance

This web site provides information to US citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)

If you are not a UOCAVA citizen, and wish to vote absentee as a regular state voter, please click here for links to State Election Sites. If you wish to vote in person, please contact your local county election official (listed in the Government Pages of the telephone book)

Voting Assistance Program
Phone: 793-2966
Location: Bldg. 390, 4th Floor SW
Hours: 0700 - 1600 M-F

Visit Federal Voting Assistance Program for internet voting information and much, much more.

Voting Residency Guidelines  (Taken from Voting Information News-Feb 98)

  • Uniformed Services & Family Members: Foremost, you should keep in mind that Uniformed Service personnel and their family members may not arbitrarily choose which state to declare as their legal voting residence without meeting the state's residency requirement. The following are basic guidelines to follow in determining residency for military personnel and their family members:
  • You must have or have had physical presence in the sou mtate and simultaneously the intent to remain or make the state your home or domicile.
  • You may only have one legal residence at a time, but may change residency each time you transfer to a new location. You must make a conscious decision to change residency; it cannot be done accidentally. There must be certain specific actions which may be interpreted as conscious decisions, e.g., registering to vote, registering a car, qualifying for in-state tuition, obtaining a driver's license, etc.
  • Once residence is changed, you may not revert to the previous residence without re-establishing new physial presence and intent to remain or return.
  • "Home of Record" should not be confused with legal residence. "Home of Record" is the address a military member had upon entry into the Service. It does not change. "Home of Record" and legal residence may be the same address, and usually are, when a person enters military service. It can remain so even though the person or his/her relatives no longer live at that location, as long as the military member has not established a legal residence elsewhere after entering on active duty. If a military member changes legal residence after entering on active duty, he/she may not revert to claiming the "Home of Record" as legal residence without re-establishing physical presence and intent to remain in or return to that state. Family members of active duty military personnel may each have a different legal residence. A spouse does not automatically assume the legal residence of the active duty member upon marriage.

For more information on voting please visit

431 times.
Last updated: 02/07/2025 4:48 PM