Anniston Munitions Center (ANMC)

Lt. Col. Daniel E. Cross

Lt. Col. Daniel E. Cross assumed command of Anniston Munitions Center on June 9, 2022. Anniston Munitions Center provides timely and accurate receipt, storage, issue, maintenance, inspection, demilitarization, and recycling of ammunition and missiles in support of the Joint Warfighter.

Cross enlisted as a Civil Affairs Specialist for the U.S. Army Reserve in 1999, and he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant from the Army ROTC program at the University of Central Arkansas in 2004.

His assignments include: Tank Platoon Leader, Support Platoon Leader, Battalion S-4, and Distribution Company Commander with 2nd Brigade, 1AD and the 170th Infantry Brigade at Baumholder, Germany (2004-2010); Observer/Coach Trainer with Operations Group, National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California (2011-2013); Support Operations Officer and Battalion Executive Officer with 1st Special Forces Group, G4 Air Movements Officer with I Corps, Battalion Executive Office with 16th CAB, and Deputy G-4 with 7th ID at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington (2015-2018); Deputy G-4 with 2nd ID at Camp Red Cloud/Humphreys, Korea (2018-2019); Logistics Specialist and Division Chief with the Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (2019-2022).

His military education includes: the Armor Officer Basic Course; the Scout Leaders Course; and the Combined Logistics Captain’s Career Course. He also attended the Army Command and General Staff College and the Joint Combined Warfare School.

His awards and achievements include: Bronze Star Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal (4 Oak Leaf Clusters), Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, and Joint Staff Badge.

Photo of DTC Cassandra Caver DEPUTY TO THE COMMANDER
Cassandra H. Caver

Cassandra H. Caver serves as the Deputy to the Commander for Anniston Munitions Center. ANMC provides timely and accurate receipt, storage, surveillance, inventory, maintenance, issue and demilitarization of missiles and conventional ammunition in support of America’s Joint Warfighters.

In this position, Caver serves as the senior civilian leader/advisor to the Commander. Caver directs and provides leadership to all mission areas of the munitions center to ensure work planning, production, quality control, internal personnel administration, regulatory compliance, and all other matters related to the accomplishment of the mission are completed.

These duties include overseeing ANMC mission accomplishments and planning of logistics operations involving receipt, storage, preservation/packaging, renovation, testing, demilitarization, surveillance, inventory, issue and transportation of various ammunition and missiles.

In 2004, Caver graduated in 2004 from Texas A&M University - Texarkana with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing.

In 2005, Caver was accepted into the Ammunition Manager Career Program 33 located at the Defense Ammunition Center in McAlester, Oklahoma.

Upon completion of an initial internship, Caver relocated to Anniston, Alabama, to begin her career with Anniston Munitions Center, where her first position was as a Distribution Facilities Specialist, 2006-2008. She was responsible for planning, coordinating and organizing the receipt and storage activities of all conventional and missile munitions.

In 2008, Caver assumed duties as a Production Controller (Ammunition) serving as a technical advisor for facilities, materials, and methods of operation in the ammunition maintenance area. In 2014, Caver transitioned to be the Lead Production Controller.

In 2017, Caver was promoted to the Chief of Production Management Division, and shortly thereafter was promoted to the Director of Ammunition Operations.

Caver is Level III Acquisition certified in Life Cycle Logistics and has also completed the Advanced Civilian Education System Course.

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Last updated: 01/29/2025 2:14 PM