Milan Army Ammunition Plant

Installation Overview

MLAAP is housed on 22,357 acres with 1,450 buildings and 873 igloos and a storage capacity of 2,270,000 square feet.

Milan Army Ammunition Plant Milan has a government staff of 12 Department of the Army civilians to provide contract oversight. The government staff has a payroll budget of $1.9 million. Contractor statistics are considered proprietary and therefore are not available.


  • • Load, assemble and pack
  • • Demilitarization/disposal
  • • Renovation/reclamation
  • • Development and production test support
  • • Logistical support
packing ammunitiontrain

Milan Ordnance Depot and Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant were established in 1941. In 1943, they merged becoming Milan Ordnance Center and later Milan Arsenal in 1945. In the 1960s, it became Milan Army Ammunition Plant. In June 2013, Milan Army Ammunition Plant executed a relinquishment of command ceremony, placing the plant under the control of a commander’s representative.

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Last updated: 01/29/2025 2:14 PM