Holston Army Ammunition Plant

Recertified in November 2015
Environmental Progress

Maintaining environment - Holston Army Ammunition Plant successfully completed an ISO 14001 registration audit of its Environmental Management System (EMS) and has received third party registration of its environmental management system on November 2015. HSAAP began implementing the ISO 14001 EMS in 2004 in response to Executive Order 13148 requiring all Federal facilities to have an EMS in place by 31 December 2005. HSAAP achieved this implementation milestone on target. Although full EMS conformance was not required until FY 2009 and did not require third party independent certification, BAE Systems, operating contractor for HSAAP, and the Army made the decision to pursue third party registration ahead of schedule and was the first to do so. As is the practice at Holston, staying ahead of the game is vital to ensuring environmental compliance and stewardship. Holston currently has a number of environmental initiatives in different stages, i.e. water conservation which has resulted in substantial savings; replacing fluorescent lighting with LED lighting; and the Recycling Program which has been tremendously successful, along with other initiatives that are improving and protecting our environment.

Environmental Birds Bald Eagle

898 times.
Last updated: 10/16/2024 3:50 PM