Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support (ARMS)
Joint Munitions Command
2695 Rodman Avenue
Rock Island, Illinois 61299-6000
DSN 793-0221 / 793-4934
COMM 309-782-0221 / 309-782-4934
Welcome to the ARMS Program. The ARMS Program is designed to encourage commercial use of the Army's active Government
owned contractor operated ammunition plants/depots through various incentives for businesses willing to locate to a government facility.
The ARMS Program is managed by Plans, Programs & Policy, Office of PD Joint
Services at Picatinny Arsenal NJ. Support to the ARMS Program is provided
by the Joint Munitions Command (JMC), located in Rock Island, Illinois, a
major subordinate command (MSC) of the Army Materiel Command, located in
Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama.
Executive Summary
Congressional Purposes
Incentives To Industry
Site Map
ARMS Brochure