Tips on Submitting Better Proposals

  • Read and Understand:
    • Section A, Summary - it gives a good overview.
    • The technical requirements of the solicitation.
    • The delivery dates, quantities, and performance or delivery locations (when, how many, where).
    • Contract data requirements – what, how often.
    • If you don’t understand something, immediately contact the contracting officer in writing for clarification.
  • Where Some Contractors Hurt Themselves:
    • Taking exception to the proposal requirements – this can make you unresponsive and disqualify your bid/proposal.
    • Section L – not submitting required information. Suggestion: highlight what information is required, and check off as it is included in your proposal.
    • Section M – not focusing proposals on the areas with the heavier weight in the evaluation. Section L identifies what information to submit; Section M states how that information will be evaluated. Some proposals spend too much time on low weighted areas and not enough in more heavily weighted ones.
  • Be Sure To:
    • Provide enough detail when asked to explain “how” you will do something. Identify your approach, which could include your process, equipment you will use, and timeline. This shows you understand the requirements and demonstrates your approach to meet them.
    • Put information in the spaces you need to: prices, including options; Section K fill-in spaces.
    • Submit proposal in the prescribed format and on time. Know the date the solicitation closes.
    • Regularly check the website for amendments to the solicitation that you may be required to acknowledge in your proposal.
    • Sign the proposal and any other documents requiring your signature (e.g., Certificate of Current Cost and Price).
  • For Small Businesses needing help understanding solicitations and preparing proposals, contact your Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Check this website for one near you
249 times.
Last updated: 07/11/2024 9:35 AM